
C. Gustav Putsch KG
Oberkamper Str. 13
42349 Wuppertal - Germany

Tel.: 02 02 / 47 94 - 0 
Fax: 02 02 / 47 50 58 
Fax Export: 02 02 / 47 74 94 

Commercial register at Wuppertal Local Court, Nr. A 8724 
VAT ID number: DE121109667 
Managing director authorized to represent the company: Ralf Putsch

Responsible for the technical implementation and content:

Softgarden and KNIPEX Recruiting 


Online settlement of consumer disputes; ODR platform
The European Commission has to provide a European platform for online dispute resolution (“ODR platform”). The ODR platform is available on the internet at

Our email address, which you can use to contact us, is

Dispute resolution proceedings before consumer arbitration boards
We would like to point out that we are neither willing nor obliged to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board within the meaning of the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act.